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See something you like that’s not in-stock at your local store? Don’t worry, we can order it in and have it ready in-store for you. Get in contact and we’ll sort you out. Easy as. Cotton Blazer - Navy & Coats/Blazers & Coats/By Style/Cotton Blazers/Categories/Workwear/Blazers/Blazers/Suits/Suit Jackets/Blazers/By Style/Cotton Blazers/Blazers/By Style/Categories/Best Sellers6736236645052246245356712672655045016453Huxley Blazer - Navy <div data-content-type="html" data-appearance="default" data-element="main"><div>
<p>Crafted from the same material as your favourite trousers, the Huxton Blazer is perfect for dressing up for work or that slightly dressier ‘do’ you have to go to. Features 2% elastane to give that little bit of stretch for all day comfort.</p>
<ul style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li>98% Cotton 2% Elastane</li>
<li>Buggy Lining</li>
<li>Two Button Closure</li>
<li>Non-functional buttons at cuffs</li>
<li>Notched Lapel</li>
<li>Double Vent</li>
</div></div>00 Blazer - Navy-38-Navy300300 Blazer - Navy-40-Navy300300 Blazer - Navy-42-Navy300300 Blazer - Navy-44-Navy300300 Blazer - Navy-46-Navy300300 Blazer - Navy-48-Navy300300
Product Details
Crafted from the same material as your favourite trousers, the Huxton Blazer is perfect for dressing up for work or that slightly dressier ‘do’ you have to go to. Features 2% elastane to give that little bit of stretch for all day comfort.