Select a region to view the in-store availability of Huxton Cotton Blazer - Stone
See something you like that’s not in-stock at your local store? Don’t worry, we can order it in and have it ready in-store for you. Get in contact and we’ll sort you out. Easy as. Cotton Blazer - Stone & Coats/Blazers & Coats/By Style/Cotton Blazers/Categories/Back To The 9-5/Categories/Workwear/Blazers/Blazers/Suits/Suit Jackets/Blazers/By Style/Cotton Blazers/Blazers/By Style/Categories/Best Sellers6736236736645052246245356712672655045016453Huxley Blazer - Stone <div data-content-type="html" data-appearance="default" data-element="main"><div>
<p>Pair with your favourite Huxton trousers for a suit that's perfect for any occasion, whether it's dressing up for work or that slightly dressier ‘do’ you have to go to. Features 2% elastane to give that little bit of stretch for all day comfort.</p>
<ul style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li>98% Cotton 2% Elastane</li>
<li>Buggy Lining</li>
<li>Two Button Closure</li>
<li>Non-functional buttons at cuffs</li>
<li>Notched Lapel</li>
<li>Double Vent</li>
</div></div>00 Blazer - Stone-38-STONE300300 Blazer - Stone-40-STONE300300 Blazer - Stone-42-STONE300300 Blazer - Stone-44-STONE300300 Blazer - Stone-46-STONE300300 Blazer - Stone-48-STONE300300
Product Details
Pair with your favourite Huxton trousers for a suit that's perfect for any occasion, whether it's dressing up for work or that slightly dressier ‘do’ you have to go to. Features 2% elastane to give that little bit of stretch for all day comfort.