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See something you like that’s not in-stock at your local store? Don’t worry, we can order it in and have it ready in-store for you. Get in contact and we’ll sort you out. Easy as. Loafer Footwear/Footwear/Formal Shoes17423112176915The Femmes <div><p>The Femmes is a classic sand suede loafer with the versatility to be both smart and casual. Pair with our Charlie Chinos and a blazer for the office, or with one of our casual shirts and selvedge denim for a relaxed look. Finished with a crepe sole.</p><ul style="list-style-type:disc"><li>Sand Suede</li><li>Leather Lining</li><li>Crepe Sole</li><li>European Sizing</li></ul></div>00 Femmes-41115230 Femmes-42115230 Femmes-43115230 Femmes-44115230 Femmes-45115230 Femmes-46115230 Sale - Last Chance#b32831
Product Details
The Femmes is a classic sand suede loafer with the versatility to be both smart and casual. Pair with our Charlie Chinos and a blazer for the office, or with one of our casual shirts and selvedge denim for a relaxed look. Finished with a crepe sole.