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Standard Collar: As the name states, our standard collar is your go-to traditional collar shape, perfect for any occasion.
Polo Shirt: Our polos are the perfect option for both work time and play time. Polo anyone?
Standard Collar: As the name states, our standard collar is your go-to traditional collar shape, perfect for any occasion.
Polo Shirt: Our polos are the perfect option for both work time and play time. Polo anyone?
product Knit Polo Shirt - Tan Polos & T-shirts259121769Summer Polo Summer Polo00 Paxton Knit Polo - Tan-XS4590 Paxton Knit Polo - Tan-S4590 Paxton Knit Polo - Tan-M4590 Paxton Knit Polo - Tan-L4590 Paxton Knit Polo - Tan-XL4590 Paxton Knit Polo - Tan-XXL4590 ShirtStandard CollarOtherNoOutlet Sale - 50% Off#b32831